On my honor...
duty to God and my country
Use the drop down menu above to learn more about each Religious Award
Scouting helps youth to do their duty to God and to their country. Scouting builds character and teaches devotion to God in an way that provides wholesome fun under the guidance of strong adult role models. The scouting programs provide a wonderful channel to involve youth in the life of their faith community.
Young people experience Scouting as a growth into personal maturity and social responsibility. They learn to assume their role in life with a high degree of commitment, and to care for others who are less fortunate. They develop a strong desire to build a culture of goodwill, respect for the environment and acceptance of duties.
The drop down menu provides a look at the Catholic Religious Emblems available to Scouts and Adults in the Scouting Program. If you aren't Catholic, please click the Scouting America Religious Emblems website link below to find the Religious Emblem for you.
Scouting Religious Website Links
Scouting America Religious Emblems Site
St. Paul & Minneapolis Archdiocesan
Catholic Committee on Scouting
National Catholic Committee on Scouting
The Church of the Epiphany
Catholic Scouting

Catholic Religious Emblems
Catholic Religious Award Ceremony